Thursday, 16 July 2009

London sickness.

Hello, last week was awsome! went to london with school and saw phontom of the opera and chicago :) phantom of the opera is the best show ive seen in all three years of going to London with school and the music in chicago is frikin amazing! the coach drive up there was awsome haha we all went really hyper for about an hour then just calmed suddenly hahaha but on the second day i was really ill so that put me on a bi of a downer tbh hahaha. It's my birthday soon my my friend lauren's is first so i got her some stuff from chicago because i really had no idea what to get her and i also got her this really cool metal weird book mark thing to replace her last decent one because it broke hahah. My out fits for the trip i absolutely adore, especially my dress its just really nice lol or that just might be my view but oh well hahah. But yeah bye bye xx