I'm in a proper weird mood today i just keep thinking about my mum because shes pregnant and i was just thinking what the babies like now and i found out that it has fingers and toes and wrists and ancles. I find this soo cute lol, im really depressed as well too because i dont live with my mum and i realised im never going to see the baby. The real vital things a sister should feel and witness im going to miss out on, like a sisters supposed to be pissed of about the stupid baby crying all night but i wont get that and a sisters supposed to see the first smile and first laugh and first steps and i wont see them. Seriously gutted and depressed is how id describe my self at the minute :( so... really weird but i fell to sleep this afternoon because i was just laying on my bed staring t the ceiling thinking about the future and the past and whats happening now. Any way im going to go now so bye bye (: Love Youuuu Xxxxxx