Sunday, 2 May 2010

Hey, thought I'd do a quick post before I start going crazy getting my bits and bobs together to go out. I'm going into Derby today to see my friends. It sounds so weird to say that because I always count Derby as my home because I'm there so much of the time, but I guess it isn't my home. It's just a place I visit frequently. O'well! Home is where your heart is eh? In that case...I don't have a clue where mine is! I have quite a few houses; my mum's house, my dad's house, my house (Nan& Granddad's) and I guess I'd class my friend, Lauren's house as one of my many houses too :L At least I know I defenaitly have options of a place to go if I ever find my self left out in the cold :)

To get to Derby I'm going to take a twenty minute walk to town, an hour long bus journey to Derby then about a 15-20 minute bus to my friend's house from town. I really like bus journeys, but only if I'm at the back of the bus. The reason for this is really weird I guess but I like to sit at the back of the bus so I can see the different people who get on and off the bus :L It makes me laugh because sometimes you'll see people who get on the bus, pay £1, and get off at the top of the street. Makes me LOL. Might as well walk and keep yourself fit!

Yanoe, I don't actually know if anybody ever reads my blog so...if you've read any of this post at all, leave a comment to let me know? Please? :)
Love you all, Amy :D x

The picture at the top of the post is of me and my friends, love them all. :D

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