Monday 8 February 2010

8 thing tag :)

Hello...I've been tagged to do the eight things thing by a blog i follow, goes!
8 TV shows i watch:
1. Friends
2. Gilmore girls
3. The Cleveland show
4. Skins
5. Balls of steel
6. Being human
7. Come dine with me
8. Scrubs
8 places i like to eat:
1. My house
2. The Chinese in town :)
3. Ma Hubbard's (local pub)
4. A picnic
5. My grandads (Amazing cook)
6. KFC
7. Cafe in ingoldmells (the name escapes me)
8. My mum's house
8 thing i look forward to:
1. Going to college
2. Going to university
3. Falling in love
4. Pursuing my career
5. Having kids (If i do)
6. Having my own house
7. Going traveling
8. Life in general :)
8 things i did yesterday:
1.Got up at half four in the morning to feed Kyle
2. Had a roast at my house (nan cooked)
3. Went on face book
4. Ate a packet on skittles
5. Rang my dad
6. Stayed in my PJs until 11
7. Had horrible Belgian waffles for breakfast
8. Slept.
8 thing on my wish list:
1. Some new jeans
2. Money for my London trip in July.
3. Better skin
4. To get healthy
5. Some boots
6. To have my bedroom decorated
7. Some decent curlers
8. For life to be easier
8 things i am passionate about:
1. Drama
2. Photography
3. My family
4. Not really a passion but...i like country walks.
5. Making my future as good as possible.
6. My family
7. Life
8. Smiling :D
8 words or phrases i use too often:
1. OMG
2. Dearie dearie me.
3. Sooo...
3. Well well well...
4. You bum!
5. Darn it!
6. Holy moly
7. Jizz
8.Homo (i should quite this one)
8 things i learnt from the past:
1. Don't let people treat you like crap.
2. LOVE!
3. Make the most of time.
4. Don't tale things for granted
5. Make memories
6. Don't hold grudges
7. Be individual
8. Try not to care what other think.
8 places i would love to visit:
1. India
2. America
3. France
4. China
5. Africa
6. cant think of the name...romantic place, lots of water.
8. Italy
8 things i currently want or need:
1.Some school shoes
2. Gloves
3. A new tele
4. Motivation
5. Money
6. A full length mirror
7. Some good music
8. Another dog.
8 tags:
Here we go! well...that took a while :L
Amy, x x x


  1. whayyy! =D ty amy.
    I'll do this tonight ;D

  2. thankyooouuu for tagging :)
    appreciate it very much. i think you just made my day. haha.
