Love youuu, Amy :) x x
Friday, 30 October 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Halloween! It's halloween soon! My dad has a party every halloween, its really funny and all the family get invited and a friend of mine. The problemo i have is that i have no costume :S I dont have a clue what to wear hahah. To a halloween party! At my ownn dad's house! Oh god. Im so pathetic. I might just out some normal clothes on and some fake blood on my temples or something hahah. Simple. I took a few photos of me and my family today haha rather funny ones, the one at the top is of my nan bless her. She hates having her photo taken haha. Bye bye x x
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Hey fellas :)
Good internet is back on my laptop so i will be able to get back to frequent blogs! Ooooo its halloween soon, my dads having a halloween party like usual and im inviting Lauren Tilson. I usually invite lauren to family things because my family just seem to lover her lol its like "Oooh its lauren! Hello! You okay? Having a nice time? Fancy a cuppa?" Hahaha bless 'um :P I had a rather good day today. I went to the cinema to see 'UP' with Lauren and Steven, it was rather fun and after the film we walked to darley park and stayed there for a good five hours hahaha. Gawd...recently i have this huge love for photography! it sounds so weird but its just so surprising how pretty you can make such simple thing by taking a picture from a different angle or light! So when my dad asked me what i wanted for christmas i thought i might as tell the truth so i said "Well to be honest i really would like a good camera. *cheesy grin*" Hahahah. I decided id like to study something like photography in uni but well...i dunno, i ust dont know if id be good at it. Anyway i really dont feel very well so im gonna go so i can go eat comfort food :) Bye bye :) x x x
Good internet is back on my laptop so i will be able to get back to frequent blogs! Ooooo its halloween soon, my dads having a halloween party like usual and im inviting Lauren Tilson. I usually invite lauren to family things because my family just seem to lover her lol its like "Oooh its lauren! Hello! You okay? Having a nice time? Fancy a cuppa?" Hahaha bless 'um :P I had a rather good day today. I went to the cinema to see 'UP' with Lauren and Steven, it was rather fun and after the film we walked to darley park and stayed there for a good five hours hahaha. Gawd...recently i have this huge love for photography! it sounds so weird but its just so surprising how pretty you can make such simple thing by taking a picture from a different angle or light! So when my dad asked me what i wanted for christmas i thought i might as tell the truth so i said "Well to be honest i really would like a good camera. *cheesy grin*" Hahahah. I decided id like to study something like photography in uni but well...i dunno, i ust dont know if id be good at it. Anyway i really dont feel very well so im gonna go so i can go eat comfort food :) Bye bye :) x x x
Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Hey guys and gals! in science. :) crazy/amazing hitman sub is back :) Yeahhhh man! He is honestly great, the other day we had him in PE and i was supposed to be in a deep game on badminton but instead i was standing gorming at this huge bald man jumping around like a ballarina :) Amazing (Y) So yeah....
Byeeeee xxx
Saturday, 10 October 2009

Hello guys :)
I really do need some new clothes. Thats it. Simple. I've got loadss of random shitty clothes in my wardrobe and it really is terrible, bright colours, stripes, flowers, polka dots eveywhere! i need to splash out on some nice new rags :) So that should cost me...ALOT. Hahaha new shoes, jeans,shorts, dresses, tops, jumpers, cardigans, belts, socks, underwear, i could go on...Oh yeah and i need to buy christmas presents and mothers day is gonna cost me fortune because i need to shop for my mum, my nan and my step mum. Oh so hectic. Oh yeah i got one of Lucy's presents today, its a huge canvas with all the oasis album covers on it, i have to admit. It really is great. If you read this lucy, i think i really do deserve a nice christmas present in exchange :)hahaha. Holly oaks really is great, dont cha think? I love Newt bless him and his mental issues.Any ways im off now, toodles :) xxxx P.S...The picture at the top isnt the canvas i got lucy lmao xxx
Friday, 9 October 2009
I love you guys!

hello :)
Oh my good lord, i read Lucy's blog earlier and it really really got me thinking! I love my friends and their just great. If i think about it, i really do love my life atm. My family, my friends, my school life and oh my god...even the dogs being okay recently (now thats shocking). You see the reason im writing my second blog of the day is because im so god damn bored! It's three minutes to 11 and im sat watching 'Dont tell the bride'. How pathetic. Im going to town tomorrow with my mum, i really hope it goes well i mean me and my mum can argue alot but we always make up :) I love my mum :) gonna shoot off now hahah. That must of been the most boring blog in the history of the world hahaha.
Byeee xxx

Helloo guys and gals! :)
Well, well, well i haven't blogged in yonks! Missed me much?
Right! today has been...erm...okay. I am officially detirmined to sort my self out,live life for the moment and just basically get a grip on my life! Time is so precious and it goes by so god damn fast, just make the most of it! :) I had reading club tonight, because i have my times when i am...SUPER GEEK! yeah you know you love it. We're reading Wuthering Heights (which i must say is an amazingly great book so far) but my problem is i REALLY can't read out loud. My eyes go blury, i stutter and well i basically stop. This weekend i have loadss of home work to do: Maths, english, textiles, drama and child development :( Gonna take forever! I have a maths exam in november. If i had to put my feelings about it into on phrase i would say...' i am shitting my pants.' maths really isnt my best subject and sometimes i think i only get through it because i have the help of the amazing Lauren 'God' Tubby! Ooh! my mums only got just over four weeks till her due date now so im reallyy excited about it, shes defenaitly having a little boy and thats made me even more excited because theres not really any boys in my family lol and we only really have one baby in the family and thats Lacey. None the less Lacey is amazing but im just gonna make this kid into the ultime cool child of ever! Haha. Okay, maybe i over exaggerate a 'little' bit. Any way i must dash! lotsss of work to do :(
X xxx :)
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