7 hours to go guys... Are you looking forward to 2010? Because i cant decide if i am. on one hand i am because next year I'm determined to sort certain things out for myself but on the other hand theres so much pressure coming from everywhere for next year-to get things done :S Oh well, whether i want it to or not - its coming! Oh yeah, im not doing anything tonight, im just gonna stay in ha ha.
Sorry to keep going on about my hair but just a quick word... Ive decided that the next time i get my hair done I'm going to get it ALL dyed the same tone of red that Ive got my highlights now. Oh and I'm going to have a thick full fringe put in ha ha. for the past week Ive been trying to get my hands on a babyliss curling wand because i have really pathetic strait hair that doesn't take to curlers because of the length but...Ive read up on some reviews for it and apparently its good for my type of hair so I'm going to get one :) Hopefully it shall do the trick perfectly!
well that's it for now folks, i may blog again later, bye bye x x x
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
New coat and 2010

I have two new coats. A red duffle coat and a normal hip length blue and grey checked one (that are shown above). I really like them both, i got them in the 1/2 price sales at peacocks :) Dont'cha just love the sales? I do :)
Its new year soon, 2010. God. Times just flown by, haha i sound like such an old woman but it really has! This year has really been an emotional rollercoaster for me, has it been for you? In the past six months ive lost my Mommar an gained a new gorgeous baby brother. deary deary me. I hope 2010 is good...
Amy x x x
Monday, 28 December 2009
What titile can you give a post with no purpose?
I'm going back to my mums house this evening. I'll probably get there at about half past seven then possibly we'll go out or just stay in and watch the box. My little brother will be there as well so that's good. Omg i cant wait to go to the sales! I love the sales! Who wouldn't? Its basically the good clothes from the year at good/low prices. Love it! I'm hoping to get some new jeans soon because i only have two pairs and I'd like a light blue pair, its really difficult to get jeans for me though because I'm the ultimate midget, so i have to get petite.
My new year resolutions this year are...
1) Drink more water.
2) Be creative. make more things.
3) Go walking...even if its just round the lake with the dog.
4) Be more chilled.
5) Get better skin. Nice skin. Less spots
6) Loose around a st slowly.
7) Get into a better sleeping habit.
I agree with Lauren about the 'how the new year gives you no more motivation than the rest of the year' but this year I'm kind of determined to change because before i know it I'll be leaving school and I'm not happy in my self so...these are needs really (quite pathetic needs). The problem with getting the stuff done is like i said in the last post...i don't have time.
Getting my hair don't tomorrow! Yay! I'm quite nervous though because I'm scared it'll look stupid :S Oh well! Live in the moment! Yeahhh!
Bye for now! Amy x x x P.S. The picture at the top is from my grandad
And Gran's wedding day a good 40 years ago.
I'd love to have a wedding like theirs.
:) Random photo. xD
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Winter will fade then will come new life.
I don't usually do more than one blog a day..to be honest I'm a rather pathetic blogger. But today is different because I'm really bored (understatement). Right..the title of this blog. As everybody knows, after winter is spring and i love spring i like the colours...the green starts to return and its followed by lots of new life. Which is beautiful.
I have a problem. I have no time to do what is desperately needed to be done. Through the week i have alot to do because, as i live with my grandparents i have to fit in seeing my mum and dad too. Now that takes alot of effort because they're not together and live half an hour away from each other and then my house is in the middle. It takes about 15-20 minutes to get to my dad's house from mine and about 10 to my mums, there's just not enough time in the day! More than anything its my education that's suffering...mainly my coursework. I know i need to take priority in my work but i have this problem where i care TOO much about keeping other people happy because i love them so dearly. It really is a hectic lifestyle. My parents both have new partners, my dad is married to Sally who already had to girls who i now just say are my sisters to avoid confusion. They're younger than me; 8 & 9 to be precise. We don't always get on i will admit but deep down i do love them...the frustrating monsters.
My mum isn't married but shes has been with her fiance for five years now and shes recently had a little boy who i love to pieces!
And then theres my nan and grandad who you really cant compare to anybody else in the world! My nan is completely mental in her own little way, but not senile ha ha. She loves cooking and mewing and making things look pretty. And my grandad...well hes just Malc. What can i say? He loves their caravan (so does my nan), has lots of random tattoos and really does know how to press my buttons and he does it on purpose...for his own entertainment, my nan told me. Apparently when I'm angry I'm hilarious ha ha. I love all my family so much, it's unbelievable! Anyway...I'm going to stop talking now because i can almost grantee that you will be bored by now ha ha. Adios! x x P.S...My dad is attacking my little sister with a water gun she got out of a cracker. Hilarious. x
I have a problem. I have no time to do what is desperately needed to be done. Through the week i have alot to do because, as i live with my grandparents i have to fit in seeing my mum and dad too. Now that takes alot of effort because they're not together and live half an hour away from each other and then my house is in the middle. It takes about 15-20 minutes to get to my dad's house from mine and about 10 to my mums, there's just not enough time in the day! More than anything its my education that's suffering...mainly my coursework. I know i need to take priority in my work but i have this problem where i care TOO much about keeping other people happy because i love them so dearly. It really is a hectic lifestyle. My parents both have new partners, my dad is married to Sally who already had to girls who i now just say are my sisters to avoid confusion. They're younger than me; 8 & 9 to be precise. We don't always get on i will admit but deep down i do love them...the frustrating monsters.
My mum isn't married but shes has been with her fiance for five years now and shes recently had a little boy who i love to pieces!
And then theres my nan and grandad who you really cant compare to anybody else in the world! My nan is completely mental in her own little way, but not senile ha ha. She loves cooking and mewing and making things look pretty. And my grandad...well hes just Malc. What can i say? He loves their caravan (so does my nan), has lots of random tattoos and really does know how to press my buttons and he does it on purpose...for his own entertainment, my nan told me. Apparently when I'm angry I'm hilarious ha ha. I love all my family so much, it's unbelievable! Anyway...I'm going to stop talking now because i can almost grantee that you will be bored by now ha ha. Adios! x x P.S...My dad is attacking my little sister with a water gun she got out of a cracker. Hilarious. x
And the lights will fall down...
Christmas is practically over now and to be honest it doesnt feel that different, i think the only thing that will make a real difference to me is all the awsome/over done decorations. Oh and my great presents :D I get really excited EVERY year at christmas but this year i couldnt help but notice that it wasnt the same, i didnt have my usual christmas excitement. Not good. But its not all bad, i still enjoyed it thoroughly!
Im at my dads house now until tomorrow and i got here yesterday, i have to go back to my mums because im going to get my hair cut and dyed (at long last!) and my nan & grandad (who i live with) are going away for the new year for a while in their beloved caravan. Im having some trouble though...i cant decide wether i want highlights or full colour in my hair, im torn between having a dark red or just sticking to brown but having it darker again. For the cut im going to have my layers put back in again, some ore hair onto my fringe (because its really thin) and once again i cant decide wether to have a full fringe or a side one. I think i might just stick with a side fringe. Play safe. So yeah...that the update for my hair :D
For christmas, as i mentioned in a different post, i got an amazing sewing machine (in my opinion) and i decided that my first assignmet :P is going to be to make some nice pillows for my bedroom because im having it decorated. It should be completely finished my about the end of january :D My nan and grandad are paying for it to be done and im going to need to buy lots of awsome little storage boxes for all my stuff haha. I have alottt of random crap.
Anyway...sorry for the rather long blog. Have a nice day! x x
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Friday, 25 December 2009
Christmas is blummin great, dont'cha think? Its so happy...apart from the occasional down person haha. Today for me has been quite good tbh. This moring i got up and opened my presents, my faves were my main ones off my nan&Grandad, mum,shaun&kyle and my dad&sal. Off my nan and grandad i got a really cool, little sewing machine (its white and has cool green writing on it) which i love. Off my mum, etc i got an awsome cute little bracelet/charm bracelet with sister on it and off my dad&sal i got a really truly amazing camera , i love it because its little but bulky :P But...its not all about the presents is it? I love it on the whole. Any way im off, cheerio! Merry Christmas! Oh...heres a few pictures from today...off my new camera :) Hope everybody had a good christmas :)
Thursday, 17 December 2009
School is almost over...christmas is almost here :)
School is almost over :( This year has gone so fast mann! I cant wait till christmas, i get my sewing machine and camera :D Yay...Kerry, you shall get your skirt next christmas haha...i swear by it! Kinda determined to be more crafty next year, make more stuff, spend less money on things that have been made my factories. Simple :) I cant believe my little brother is five weeks old tomorrow...time flies.
Haha, step dad's concept of a blog: "". TRUMP" How lovely.
Haha, step dad's concept of a blog: "". TRUMP" How lovely.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Blummin great night!
Last night was amazing, L had a christmas party last night at her dads house at it was fucking great! Theres no denying it :) everybody had a blast! There was music, food and best of all...the perfect company :D The only downfall of the party was that it had to end to end so soon tbh. I will admit that it was honesty them most fun ive had with my friends in a long while, there was the occasional hiccup but that'll happen no matter where you go. We're gonna do it again some time, but next time...we wont go home. My plan is...get a big tent, food, music, alcohol, torches and everybody bring their own blankets and stuff and it'll be great! Blummin beautiful xD certain someone... i know you think im a hypocrite, but im not, i just care thats all, and its completelly different. Love you. x
Friday, 11 December 2009

Lauren's party is going to be great :) Thats right! Gonna be great :) Im really looking forward to tomorow, in the day im going to town with Kerry & Lauren, then from six o' clock onwards im going to be at Tubley's party :) I need to get christmas presents tomorrow, getting pretty stressed recently with chrismas...but i cant wait for my prsents! :L I am sooo releived that the play is over! Halilujah! My family came to see it on the last night (thursday) and my grandad made me laugh haha, in the interval i held my little brother Kyle everybody said he was really cute bless him, and he stayed at my house over night, my nan looks after him through the night and i sort him out through the day. Oh my god, im really tired and its only five to seven :S Bye bye x :)
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Mum: hes gonna take the piss now.
Shaun: *walks in with slither of cake and passes it to mum*
Amy: *laughs alot*
Mum: dont take the piss
Shaun: how much do you fucking want!
Mum: more than that ya tight twat
Amy: *laughts alot more*
Shaun: *walks in and give more a bit more cake*
Amy: *laughs alot*
Mum: *walks into the kitchen and walks around*
Amy: *eats her cake but realises theres too much cream, then goes to chuck it in the bin*
Shaun: Woah woah woah! what you doing?! *takes the cream from my cake and eats it*
Amy: eats the reminder of her cake*
Shaun: wheres that cake gone?
Amy: i ate it
Shaun: you lousy bastard.
Mum: *laughs*
Done. Thats a small clip from my life for you lovely people :)
Shaun: *walks in with slither of cake and passes it to mum*
Amy: *laughs alot*
Mum: dont take the piss
Shaun: how much do you fucking want!
Mum: more than that ya tight twat
Amy: *laughts alot more*
Shaun: *walks in and give more a bit more cake*
Amy: *laughs alot*
Mum: *walks into the kitchen and walks around*
Amy: *eats her cake but realises theres too much cream, then goes to chuck it in the bin*
Shaun: Woah woah woah! what you doing?! *takes the cream from my cake and eats it*
Amy: eats the reminder of her cake*
Shaun: wheres that cake gone?
Amy: i ate it
Shaun: you lousy bastard.
Mum: *laughs*
Done. Thats a small clip from my life for you lovely people :)
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